

"I believe I was lead to Mudrashram via divine guidance. I wonder if it was all planned before I incarnated this time on earth. Maybe I already knew George Boyd on the 'other side?' I stumbled on the website about 3 years ago after prayer to the divine. It was the 1st link that appeared on Google. 

I could not believe the good fortune as this is exactly what I was looking for. Spiritual depth with acute intellectual penetration. An extremely rare combination. I don’t think there is anything or anyone else on the planet that offers what George offers, especially the intellectual mapping of all the states one can encounter in meditation together with the comprehensive meditation practices that balance all our spiritual aspects.

I now see that I was being prepared for Mudrashram via my avid interest in Near Death Experience testimonies over 20 years ago as well as the 1920s channeling literature (which described the afterlife realms). The latter birthed in me an insatiable appetite for all things spiritual.  

I had been meditating (Buddhist types) since 1988 which lead to a sudden 'awakening' that was temporary.  I was able to subsequently access that state at will but it would never last.  The latter gave me direct experiential proof that there indeed are different levels of consciousness.  About 7 years ago I began mantra type concentration meditations to alleviate anxiety and also help me access the inner spiritual realms.

Subsequently I prayed many times to the divine asking for more inspiration and help with accessing these higher realms. And now the Divine has brought me something astounding via Mudrashram.

George Boyd is a Godsend! And I am eternally grateful to him for his former struggles, perseverance and triumphs enabling him to be the spokes person and teacher for the Mudrashram Lineage. May we all reach liberation."



The first exposure I had to Mudrashram Institute of Spiritual Studies was actually a recommendation from a very dear friend.  We both had been studying and exploring different spiritual paths for many, many years prior.  It seemed that we were both in the same place………….wanting and ready for the next step but really unsure of which way to turn.

About three and a half years ago, my friend called me up and with great enthusiasm told me to get behind my computer and go check out this website that she had found – The Mudrashram Institute of Spiritual Studies.  

After perusing it for a short while I thought “wow, there is so much amazing and intriguing information”, some of it familiar and most of it unknown to me.  I was immediately taking notice that this guy – George Boyd – certainly was a wellspring of knowledge and I knew then that his teachings would help to take me on my next step in my spiritual journey.

I was thrilled that Mudrashram offered distant learning courses because they are located in California and I in Florida.  I ordered the AMP (Accelerated Meditation Program) and began studying and practicing Integral Meditation.  I soon realized that this method of meditation was indeed different than other methods that I had practiced and it was, more importantly, actually working!  I have subsequently taken several more courses with Mudrashram and I continue to study and practice Integral Meditation with George and am learning and growing everyday because of it.

One of the many things that I am impressed by is the fact that this method advocates the practice of ensuring that every individual work from where they are currently situated on the spiritual path and that they do so in a grounded and balanced manner.  I also realized that the fact that every person is given their own individual mantra (transformational mantra) that is specific to them alone was something unique because this actually helps to ‘transform’ so that I know my practice is yielding proper results. 

All in all, I have found the practice of Integral Meditation to be exactly what I needed to continue to deepen my meditations and experiences.  I am finding that this is an ongoing process and that I am sure I will continue to grow and elevate my consciousness as long as I am practicing these techniques.

I am extremely grateful to have been lucky enough to be led to Mudrashram and George because as I grow spiritually, I am also growing and changing positively on a personal level as well.  I would recommend this system to anyone who is serious about their own spiritual journey.  



For several years after studying with my first teacher in the 1990s, I had believed I'd been given everything I needed. That one can be blessed with multiple teachers in one lifetime never dawned on me. Perhaps my sense of loyalty coupled with not wanting to believe there was so much more to learn stifled my discrimination?!

My first teacher left me a wonderful gift- something he said, which began echoing over and over in my mind. "You still don't know how to meditate." I began to realize that what he 'teased' me about made no sense regarding his teachings. I did every meditation practice, technique, and mantra exactly as he instructed, religiously, without fail. So what was he talking about? Something else?

Finally, I humbly realized the need for another teacher. I cried myself to sleep one night, asking if I could be so lucky, and the following morning, while googling information on the lineage of Maitreya (a primary subject with my first teacher who initially introduced me to the teachings of the Planetary Hierarchy), I happened to catch in one of the search engine results. I resonated with the compound word immediately and clicked to the site.

Having spent years with a mysterious, be-quiet kind of teacher, my mouth fell open while I read article after article right under my nose! Unknown words crept up here and there on the Mudrashram web pages, but they didn't hide the treasure trove that was this website! Much to my delight, I noticed affordable correspondence courses. I was psyched and immediately shared the awesome news with my best friend, who had finished studying with her first teacher a few years earlier as well, and was also ready to learn more.

Since then I have completed the Accelerated Meditation Program, the Satsang Home Study Course, the Advanced Course in Meditation, and am working through the Two-Year Correspondence Course. There are no words to describe how blessed I feel to have found the Mudrashram teachings, and George A Boyd. I am immensely grateful for his down to earth, ask-me-a-question-and-I'll-answer-it availability. He is a teacher who provides insight and training with such depth from the wisdom of experience, accompanied by enormous patience and encouragement. 

It is a blessing for any student who finds his or her way to Mudrashram, that they can be guided from where they are in their own unfoldment, that they can be directed towards their Soul Purpose, to fulfill their mission, and journey onward, inward, and upward on the path that is their own, while maintaining balance with their personality and ego, unfolding potentials around every turn.


Since I was a child I have always been interested in understanding why we are here, and the purpose of life. 

I grew up in a Catholic household and as I grew older I felt it did not provide the answers to my questions, and felt some of its dogma did not equate to what I thought life was about. 

Although I always respected my family's religion, I felt I needed more. I learned about other religions, and was also interested in Existentialism and the classic authors that shaped our world's belief systems, such as Socrates, Thoreau, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, etc. They had asked the same questions I was asking myself. 

Later in life I discovered Yoga and the teachings of Patanjali (Yoga Sutras). These teachings resonated well with my beliefs of life and our purpose here, and opened my eyes to an entirely new world of spirituality. But I felt it only took me so far and for a while I was searching for the next step on my spiritual growth. 

A friend of mine who was also searching pointed me towards Mudrashram. It was the best investment I made on myself. I signed up for the Accelerated Meditation Program and later also the Satsang Program. 

What I found to be attractive about Mudrashram is that it works with your unique set of gifts and in a realistic approach for everyday people with jobs and a family. Mudrashram and George helped me be a stronger person, and improve in my day to day life, while developing my spiritual path and aspirations. I recommend Mudrashram for those seeking to grow spiritually in an empowered way. 

